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Firemonkey Styles - Felix John COLIBRI.

  • abstract : FireMonkey Styles tutorial : changing styles for all or for some selected components.
  • key words : FireMonkey Styles - Style Designer - .STYLE files - StyleLookup - StyleName - FindComponentResource - Predefined Styles - Delphi XE2
  • software used : Windows XP Home, Delphi XE2
  • hardware used : Pentium 2.800Mhz, 512 M memory, 140 G hard disc
  • scope : Delphi XE2
  • level : Delphi developer
  • plan :

1 - FireMonkey Styles

1.1 - Starting a Delphi XE2 FireMonkey Application

First we start a FireMonkey HD App (HD for High Definition, which here means 2D, as opposed to 3D FireMonkey apps)
   launch Delphi XE2
   File | New | FireMonkey HD Application"


We could also use "File | New | Other | Delphi Projects | FireMonkey HD Applications"


1.2 - Custom FireMonkey Styles - a tButton Style

First let's drop two tButtons on the Form
   select "Tools Palette | Standard | tButton" and drag-and-drop two of them on the Form


   to modify the style of the Button2 alone, "select Button2 | right click | Edit Custom Style"


   the "Style Designer" is opened,


It contains

  • at the top buttons to load, save, apply, return to the standard designer buttons
  • in the left center region, a representative of a button with the default style
  • at the right top, a treeview which will be expanded below
  • at the bottom right a tDropTarget
   expand the top-right treeview to display the detail of the tButton:


The treeview clearly shows that the tButton is composed of several pieces

  • the background rectangle
  • the text
  • a glow which is visible when we clic the tButton
   when we select one of the parts, the properties of this part are displayed in the Object Inspector.

Select, for instance, the text property :


   to tilt the text drawing, in the Object Inspector,
  • select RotationAngle and enter 15 (15 degrees),
  • select a font of size 16
  • select the Fill color red

   click "Apply and close"

   the standard Designer displays our Button2 with the new "text" style:


And, at the top left position FireMonkey added a StyleBook1 tStyleBook which contains our new custom style. You can move this component at a more convenient position on the Form. Clicking twice on this StyleBook1 opens the Style Designer again. We can close it by clicking "Cancel"

You can compile and run the program.

Note that

  • the just defined style is specific to Button2. It did not change Button1. And if we add a Button3, it still will have the standard style

  • the tLayout, tRectangle and tText, tColorAnimation types displayed in the Style Designer are real types that we can find in the Tool Palette.

    We could "assemble" a tButton by gluing those together as child controls of a tLayout. Here is a simplified version:


    However those components are "primitive components" and have no style themselves. They are used to build "styled components", like tEdits, tButtons etc. This is explained in the FireMonkey Component Guide

  • the composition of child components on any FireMonkey component is also available for any component. We could add a chile tButton styled component to another tButton style component !

  • in addition, this composition of elements to build real controls is really at the heart of FireMonkey
    • the controls are just painted on the screen
    • they are not encapsulations of Operating System native controls (which contrasts with the tEdit which is a thin encapsulation of Windows TextBox)
    • the display is then adapted at the GPU engine level (or a simulation of a GPU, which is the case on our XP System) to look and behave as native controls
    • the mouse and keyboard events are then added to mimick as closely as possible the standard Delphi VCL events

1.3 - the .STYLE file content

To view the content of our Button2 style, we can save the style on disc:
   double click on StyleBook1
   the Style Designer is opened
   click "Save"
   a standard Windows SaveDialog is opened

  my_button2_style Enter

   the file MY_BUTTON2_STYLE.STYLE is saved in the same folder as the sources (the .DPR)

This file is an ASCII file which can be opened with Notepad (or with the Delphi Editor ):

Object _1TLayout
  Align = alClient
  Position.Point = '(0,33)'
  Width = 253.000000000000000000
  Height = 237.000000000000000000
  Object TLayout
    StyleName = 'Button2Style1'
    Position.Point = '(81,106)'
    Width = 91.000000000000000000
    Height = 24.000000000000000000
    DesignVisible = False
    Object TRectangle
      StyleName = 'background'
      Align = alContents
      Width = 91.000000000000000000
      Height = 24.000000000000000000
      HitTest = False
      Fill.Color = xFFEFEFEF
      Stroke.Kind = bkNone
      XRadius = 3.000000000000000000
      YRadius = 3.000000000000000000
      Object TRectangle
        Align = alContents
        Width = 91.000000000000000000
        Height = 24.000000000000000000
        HitTest = False
        Fill.Kind = bkGradient
        Fill.Gradient.Points = <
            Color = x24F4F4F4
            Color = x24EAEAEA
            Offset = 0.499000012874603300
            Color = x4E868686
            Offset = 0.500000000000000000
        Stroke.Color = xC84F4F4F
        XRadius = 3.000000000000000000
        YRadius = 3.000000000000000000
      Object TColorAnimation
        Duration = 0.200000002980232200
        Trigger = 'IsMouseOver=true'
        StartValue = xFFEFEFEF
        StopValue = xFFA5D9FF
        PropertyName = 'Fill.Color'
      Object TColorAnimation
        Duration = 0.200000002980232200
        Trigger = 'IsMouseOver=false'
        StartValue = xFFA5D9FF
        StopValue = xFFEFEFEF
        PropertyName = 'Fill.Color'
      Object TInnerGlowEffect
        Trigger = 'IsPressed=true'
        Enabled = False
        Softness = 0.400000005960464400
        GlowColor = xFF4F4848
        Opacity = 0.899999976158142100
      Object TRectangle
        Align = alClient
        Position.Point = '(1,1)'
        Locked = True
        Width = 89.000000000000000000
        Height = 22.000000000000000000
        Padding.Rect = '(1,1,1,1)'
        HitTest = False
        Fill.Kind = bkNone
        Stroke.Color = x96FCFCFC
        XRadius = 2.000000000000000000
        YRadius = 2.000000000000000000
    Object TText
      StyleName = 'text'
      Align = alClient
      Position.Point = '(5,3)'
      RotationAngle = 15.000000000000000000
      Locked = True
      Width = 81.000000000000000000
      Height = 18.000000000000000000
      Padding.Rect = '(5,3,5,3)'
      HitTest = False
      Fill.Color = claDeeppink
      Font.Size = 16.000000000000000000
      Text = 'button'
    Object TGlowEffect
      Trigger = 'IsFocused=true'
      Enabled = False
      Softness = 0.200000002980232200
      GlowColor = x82005ACC
      Opacity = 0.899999976158142100

The tText object clearly displays our RotationAngle, font size and fill color changes. Note that saving the style in a file was only done to display the content of a style, and is not necessary to apply styles or to deploy the application .EXE.

1.4 - Default FireMonkey Styles

The "Custom Style" only applied to Button2. Button1 is not modified, and if we drop a Button3, it will display the standard style.

We can also change the style of ALL components of some type :
   drop 3 tLabels on the Form
   select any of the labels, say Label1, "right click | Edit Default Style"
   the Style Designer is opened, and a new "LabelStyle" is present in the treeview


   change a couple of properties of the LabelStyle, using the Object Inspector, and clic "Apply and Close"

   here is our result:


Please note

  • all new tLabels added to the Form will have this new style
  • to remove a style, in the Style Designer clic the "x" at the end of the treeview line of the style you want to remove

1.5 - Using an existing style

If we want to reuse an existing style, we simply set its name in the StyleLookup property of the object.
   drop another tButton on the Form
   select Button4, in the Object Inspector, select StyleLookup and type


   the text is now tilted at a 15 degree angle, colored in red

The "Button2Style1" string is visible
  • as the name of the Button2 Style displayed in the Style Designer


    as well as in the StyleName property of the Object Inspector


  • in the .STYLE file (as the tLayout StyleName value)

  • in the StyleLookup property of Button2


  • in the .FMX file

    Object Form1TForm1
      Left = 0
      Top = 0
      BiDiMode = bdLeftToRight
      Caption = 'Form1'
      ClientHeight = 314
      ClientWidth = 503
      Transparency = False
      Visible = False
      StyleBook = StyleBook1
      StyleLookup = 'backgroundstyle'
      Object Button1TButton
        Position.Point = '(16,16)'
        Width = 80.000000000000000000
        Height = 22.000000000000000000
        TabOrder = 0
        StaysPressed = False
        IsPressed = False
        Text = 'Button1'
      Object Button2TButton
        Position.Point = '(104,16)'
        Width = 80.000000000000000000
        Height = 22.000000000000000000
        StyleLookup = 'Button2Style1'
        TabOrder = 1
        StaysPressed = False
        IsPressed = False
        Text = 'Button2'
      Object StyleBook1TStyleBook
        Resource.Strings = (
          'object _1: TLayout'
          '  Align = alClient'
          '  Position.Point = '#39'(0,33)'#39
          '  Width = 336.000000000000000000'
          '  Height = 529.000000000000000000'
          '  object TLayout'
          '    StyleName = '#39'Button2Style1'#39
          '    Position.Point = '#39'(122,252)'#39
          '    Width = 91.000000000000000000'
          '    Height = 24.000000000000000000'
          '    object TRectangle'
          '      StyleName = '#39'background'#39
          '      Align = alContents'
          '      Width = 91.000000000000000000'
          '      Height = 24.000000000000000000'
          '      HitTest = False'
          '      Fill.Color = xFFEFEFEF'


Note that
  • the "Custom Style" name receives the name wich includes the object name:


  • the "Default Style" name is not tied to a specific object, but to the Class :


  • the StyleBook1 contains the values which we already displayed in the .STYLE file. Those values are visible in the .FMX above. The .EXE will therefore contain all the information (there is no need to save the .STYLE file and of course no need to deploy this file, because the information is in the .EXE)

1.6 - Changing Style at Runtime

We can also assign a Style value at runtime. To assign the "Button2Style1" to Button4, we simply use :

Procedure TForm1.assign_style_Click(SenderTObject);
    Button3.StyleLookup:= 'Button2Style1';
  End// assign_style_Click

We could also change the style at runtime, using a two step process :

  • fetch the style resource using FindStyleResource
  • modifying some values of this resource
FindStyleResource is defined as:

Function FindStyleResource(Const AStyleLookupstring): TFmxObjectOverride


  • aStyleLookup is the name of a style, say "Button2Style1", "background" or "text"
  • the result is the root tFmxObject
To be able to set some usefull property, like tLayout, tRectangle or tText, we must cast the result with the real type of the child object.

So the best is to open the Style Designer and find out which style name we want to modify, and remember its associated type. Here is the "text" style, of type tText, with the Fill.Color property highlighted in the Object Inspector:


Therefore, here is the code to change the (font) color of Button1

Procedure TForm1.find_style_resource_Click(SenderTObject);
  Var l_c_ttext_resourceTText;
    l_c_ttext_resource := Button1.FindStyleResource('text'As TText;
    If Assigned(l_c_ttext_resource)
      Then l_c_ttext_resource.Fill.Color := TAlphaColors.Blueviolet;
  End// find_style_resource_Click

Similarily, to change the background of Button4, we could use:

Procedure TForm1.find_style_resource_Click(SenderTObject);
  Var l_c_rectangle_resourceTRectangle;
    l_c_rectangle_resource:= Button4.FindStyleResource('background'As TRectangle;
    If Assigned(l_c_rectangle_resource)
      Then l_c_rectangle_resource.Fill.Color := TAlphaColors.Blue;
  End// find_style_resource_Click

with the following result :


1.7 - Creating a new style

To create a new style from scratch, we use the Tool Palette and the tDropTarget at the bottm right of the Style Designer. Here is a simple example :
   double click on StyleBook1
   select tLayout in the Tool Palette, and drop it on the "Create Style" tDropTarget blue rectangle at the right bottom of the Style Designer
   a new style named "newstyle1" is created


(Ed: thanks to Mr Panagiotis for explaining this).

1.8 - Tying values to the control

The CustomListBox Demo contains an example of a tListBox where each item is composed of several elements


and the code also shows how to get or set values from the tListBoxItems

1.9 - No separate designer tool

As explained, we use the IDE to create new syles. There is no separate designer (like the Style Designer for the VCL Styles).

In addition, there is no searate tool which could be used to hand over the graphical construction of the whole applicaton to a design team, leaving the code to the Pascal developpers. This "separation of concerns" available in some other platforms is considered as a success.

1.10 - Predefined Styles

FireMonkey already contains several .STYLE files. On our system (XP Home), they are located in

  C:\Program Files\Embarcadero\RAD Studio\9.0\Redist\styles\Fmx


To use this style on our Form
   copy some .STYLE file in the .EXE folder of your application. In our case

  C:\Documents and Settings\user\My Documents\RAD Studio\Projects\09_firemonkey_style\Win32\Debug

   drop a tOpenDialog on the Form
   drop another tButton, and write it's OnClick method:

Procedure TForm1.load_style_Click(SenderTObject);
    If OpenDialog1.Execute
      Then Application.StyleFileName := OpenDialog1.FileName;
  End// load_style_Click

   execute and run

   here is a snapshot of the form:


Note that

  • the copying of the .STYLE file to our .EXE path is just to avoid navigating with the OpenDialog to find some .STYLE file
  • the aqua graphite style has the same structure as the .STYLE file name we showed previously

1.11 - FireMonkey Styles in perspective

The first reaction is surprise.

Coloring a tLabel or the Font of a tListbox is not performed by changing the Color in the Object Inspector. You have to change the color of the nested tText or tRectangle child components. At THIS stage, I understood that Styles were not the last step of the learning curve, the frosting on the cake, but one of the foundations of the Firemonkey Framework.

In fact, FirmeMonkey Styles are much more than simply changing the background colors of all controls, or selecting a round rectangle aspect of all windows, like themes or skins do.

FireMonkey Styles (together with the Class hierarchy, of course) are at the heart of the component composition. They allow the graphical nature of the controls allowing easy cross-platform applications. In some sense, they manage the whole rendering process. In addition, they include features like 3D and animations which will make the difference with the standard VCL controls.

2 - Remarks

At this stage:
  • I recommend reading the FireMonkey Application Guide. As of today, it is the only information available I'm aware of. So reading those 20 pages will save you many hours.
  • given the amount of information available so far, it is clear
    • that Embarcadero has to make new versions of the wiki available in the coming weeks
    • that the future of FireMonkey will need a little hand from all of us. After all the excitement of the announcements, it is quite sobering to program this new framework. Well, we have been thru this quite a few time before, those last couple of years. The enthousiasm at the presentations is impressive. The flurry of the Embarcadero team and evangelists all over the world unseen in recent years. And the FireMonkey vision is truley awesome. To make this baby fly will require some effort, and sharing our experience thru blogs, EDN forums or Stack Overflow, videos will certainly benefit all of us.

3 - Download the Sources

Here are the source code files:

4 - Download the Sources

Here are the source code files:

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5 - References

6 - The author

Felix John COLIBRI works at the Pascal Institute. Starting with Pascal in 1979, he then became involved with Object Oriented Programming, Delphi, Sql, Tcp/Ip, Html, UML. Currently, he is mainly active in the area of custom software development (new projects, maintenance, audits, BDE migration, Delphi Xe_n migrations, refactoring), Delphi Consulting and Delph training. His web site features tutorials, technical papers about programming with full downloadable source code, and the description and calendar of forthcoming Delphi, FireBird, Tcp/IP, Web Services, OOP  /  UML, Design Patterns, Unit Testing training sessions.
Created: sep-11. Last updated: jul-15 - 98 articles, 131 .ZIP sources, 1012 figures
Copyright © Felix J. Colibri 2004 - 2015. All rigths reserved
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